We dream big at YULA. That’s because we have great aspirations for our graduates. A YULA graduate is able to live with his or her feet firmly planted in two distinct worlds: the Beit Midrash, embodying the skills, inspiration, and passion to make daily Torah study a lifelong pursuit, as well as the broader world around us, with the education and training that will open every possible academic and professional opportunity and, ultimately lead to a passion-driven career. While this combination of skills is not easy to teach, we do it because we wholeheartedly believe in this mission. It requires passionate and talented educators, a tirelessly devoted administration, as well as educational resources and a curriculum that honors these goals. It is a source of pride for all of us to be associated with this great program, and to be involved in creating the next generation of B’nei and Bno’t Torah and Jewish leaders.
The best four years of your life are filled with opportunities to grow, alongside 200+ other young men and women committed to taking on an uncompromising dual curriculum program of Torah and general studies like no other in the community. Graduates of our yeshiva leave with a firm foundation in both Torah studies and general studies, as B’nei and Bno’t Torah who are firmly rooted in Jewish tradition, and are ready to make an impact on the wider community. Armed with deep and meaningful relationships with fellow classmates, rebbeim, and teachers, they are poised to make growth a lifelong pursuit.
The religious philosophy of YULA is based on the acceptance of Torah from Sinai and a total commitment to the halachic process in determining one’s life path. YULA identifies with those who combine a halachic lifestyle with active participation in contemporary society without any compromise or laxity in the observance of halacha.
YULA recognizes that there is much value in contemporary culture which, when integrated into a Torah lifestyle, can enhance the quality of life. With this in mind, all entering students receive a laptop to keep them on the edge of technology. YULA employs two full-time I.T. staff members to help facilitate and maintain all technological means at school.
YULA believes that the Torah and halacha are the only benchmarks for determining the aspects of contemporary culture that are acceptable to an observant Jew. Courage to reject what is unacceptable is what gives the contemporary Jew ability to embrace what is appropriate. It is this assessment process that enables effective integration of the Torah and General Studies.
YULA is a Modern Orthodox Yeshiva High School, dedicated to cultivating an unwavering commitment to Halacha, Torah values, outstanding academic achievement, and exemplary moral conduct.
YULA’s mission and underlying principle, laid out in the Three Pillars of a YULA Education, is that we stress the PRIMACY & RELEVANCY OF TORAH, an UNCOMPROMISING GENERAL STUDIES curriculum, and CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT at the highest level. As a proud Yeshiva high school, our aim is to instill within our students a passion for Torah learning, refined middot tovot, and love for Medinat Yisrael.
YULA High School Graduates:
- Possess Ahavat HaShem and have built personal relationships with Hashem through Torah study, Tefilah, and reflection.
- Can see the relevancy of Torah in their lives and are proud to be part of our Mesorah.
- Exhibit self-respect and respect for others as they collaborate and communicate effectively.
- Live the values of Torah U’Maddah and strive for academic excellence and intellectual curiosity in both Judaic and General Studies.
- Have developed their potential as Bnei and Bnot Torah, prepared for their unique roles in their personal and professional lives within the Jewish and global community.
- Appreciate different paths of Avodat Hashem, grounded in Shmirat HaMitzvot and Chessed.
- Stress the importance of Middot, Tzniut and Derech Eretz.
- Display a love of Am Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael and Medinat Yisrael.
- Live by the American democratic ideals of freedom, justice, and human dignity.
- Are confident, self-disciplined and independent leaders, ready to engage in our rapidly changing world.
Our Campuses
YULA High School is located in the heart of the vibrant Pico-Robertson district of West Los Angeles.
Our Nagel Family Boys’ Campus is just south of Beverly Hills, adjacent to the world-renowned Museum of Tolerance and our Gindi Family Girls’ campus is about a mile west, at the heart of the Pico-Robertson Jewish community.
The area has an immediate local community that offers over 25 Orthodox Ashkenazic and Sephardic synagogues providing full Shabbat services, all within walking distance. There are also more than 30 kosher restaurants, bakeries and markets. The pleasant southern California climate affords year-round outdoor activity.