Tuition & Financial Aid

Tuition Schedule 2025-2026

Tuition – if paid by FACTS, ACH debit, or check
Application Fee (for new students) $150
Returning Students Early Registration Fee (through Feb 10, 2025) $895
Returning Students Registration Fee $1,000
Returning Students Late Registration Fee (after April 7, 2025) $1,295
Security Fee $1,500
Technology Fee $795
FAST Application Fee (Paid directly to FAST)
Graduation Fee (seniors only) $750

The following tuition payment options are available for the Academic year starting August 2025:

Single Payment
One tuition and fee installment through FACTS – July 1, 2025.

Three FACTS Payments
Three tuition and fee installment payments through FACTS, each representing 1/3 of your tuition obligation – July 1, 2025, November 1, 2025, and February 3, 2026.

Ten FACTS Payments 
Ten tuition and fee installment payments through FACTS – beginning July 1, 2025.

Payments are administered through FACTS Management Company, the school’s billing service provider. To set up your FACTS account, click HERE.

Continuing Families 
No action is necessary unless bank information or personal information has changed. If you need to make any changes, please click on the logo above.

Financial Aid

YULA High School is committed to providing an affordable education for all our students no matter their individual economic situation. The Financial Aid Committee carefully and confidentially considers each request for financial aid.  The Committee strives to allocate limited scholarship funds as equitably and compassionately as possible making a high-quality YULA education a reality.

Due to the economic situation and the increase in financial aid requests from families, there is a limited amount of money available for financial aid.  All monies are awarded on a first come first serve basis.  This could mean that depending on when you apply and the number of requests previously approved, funds may not be available even if you would otherwise qualify.

The schedule for submitting a complete financial aid application is the following:

Before May 1, 2025 – no fee
After May 1, 2025 – $100 late fee
After June 1, 2025 – $150 late fee

complete application includes a FAST application as well as, all the required documentation listed below.  Applications received after May 1, 2025, that do not include all of the required documents, will be considered late.


If you complete your financial aid application by December 30, 2024, you will receive your tuition assessment with your acceptance letter in February. After December 30, 2024, financial aid packages will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis. Once again, since we have a limited amount of funds designated for scholarships, we strongly encourage you to apply early.

Financial Aid Application Process

YULA uses FAST, an independent, 3rd party financial aid analysis service, to help YULA evaluate financial need. FAST ensures that our system for establishing financial need adheres to nationally established standards of best practice. All information from FAST is strictly confidential, as is all information pertaining to a family’s financial aid request.

Financial Aid grants are made for one year only and, therefore, you will need to reapply each year. The application process is self-guided. You may navigate in and out of the program, allowing you to partially complete an application and go back to it at another time. Online, e-mail and a 24/7 helpline are provided. The charge for the application is $60.00, to be paid by credit card at the end of the online application session.

Click Here to Start Your Financial Aid Application

Below is a list of required supporting documentation that must be submitted along with your application. All supporting documentation should be uploaded or mailed directly to FAST.

  • Personal tax returns: If you are a new parent to YULA or are a returning parent, applying for financial aid for the first time, please submit your full and complete Federal and State tax returns for 2022 and 2023.  For all parents, if after April 15, 2025, please submit returns for 2024. 

If you are not solely W2 earners, then please provide all of the information below:

  • K-1 income: If you report income reported to you on Form K-1, the full uncondensed K-1 must be provided for 2022, 2023 and 2024 (if after April 15, 2025). If you own, or substantially own the business from which the K-1 income is derived, the full tax return is required for each year. 
  • Business tax returns: If you own your business, full copies of the business tax returns are required for any and all years indicated above. 
  • Other income: Documentation of all other sources of income (social security, welfare, food stamps, unemployment, child support, workers compensation, etc.).
  • Loan applications: If you have refinanced your home in the last eighteen (18) months, a full copy of the application must be provided.
  • Mortgage statement: If you own your home, you must submit mortgage statement copies for January 2024, June 2024, and December 2024 prior to submitting this financial aid application.
  • Investment accounts: copies of all investment account monthly statements for the most recent 12 months.Please organize your statements in chronological order prior to submission.
  • Bank statements: Full copies of all bank account statements for the most recent 12 months. Each statement must be complete, with ALL pages for each statement. Please organize your statements in chronological order prior to submission.
  • Credit card statements: Full copies of all statements for the most recent 12 months. Each statement must be complete, with ALL pages for each statement. Please organize your statements in chronological order prior to submission.
  • Venmo Statement: Please provide a copy of your Venmo statement for the most recent 12 months.
  • Lease/rent agreement: Please provide a copy of your current lease or rent agreement.
  • Automobile information: Please provide a copy of your current auto insurance policy. This must show all covered cars, coverage period and premium.
  • Current tuition obligations: Please provide proof of all current tuition obligations and proof of payment for the 2024-2025 school year, for all children. Please be aware that college tuition and early childhood tuition are not considered by YULA when making financial aid awards.
  • Copy of driver’s license and social security card from both parents.


Because financial aid funds are limited and demand is high, late filing of materials may result in the non-renewal of a financial aid grant. Please plan early to ensure financial aid will be available. Please also know that all accounts must be current before financial aid for the following year will be considered.